Regular Events
Regular Events
Pre-registration is not required for weekly classes
Monday 6:30-9:00 pm
Back Parking Lot, Rear Studio 12
180 Pleasant St, Easthampton, MA 01027
Beginner Line Dancing!!
Open Dancing 6:30
Lessons 7:00
Open Dancing Following Lessons
*Please note all requests are selected from our list of known dances within the group!
Double Shot Tuesday 6:00-8:30 pm
145 Main Street (Rte 190), Somers, CT
Beginner Plus Line Dancing!!
Lessons begin with beginner level and build in difficulty to a challenge dance before open dancing by request.
*Please note all requests are selected from our list of known dances within the group!​
20 Tarriffville Rd, Simsbury, CT
Beginner Plus Line and Partner Dancing!!
Lessons begin with beginner level and build in difficulty to a challenge dance before open dancing by request.
*Please note all requests are selected from our list of known dances within the group!
Thursday 6:00-8:30 pm
866 Shaker Road, Westfield, Ma.
Beginner Plus Line Dancing!!
Lessons begin with beginner level and build in difficulty to a challenge dance before open dancing by request.
*Please note all requests are selected from our list of known dances within the group!
Every Other Friday 6:00-10:00 pm
Beginner Line Dancing!!
Lessons begin with beginner level and build in difficulty to a challenge dance before open dancing by request. Tickets available through the Wood Acres Farm website.
Pre-registration required.
Last Friday of the Month 6:00-9:00 pm
77 Mill St Suite 150, Door F & H, Westfield, MA
Beginner Line Dancing!!
Lessons begin with beginner level and build in difficulty to a challenge dance before open dancing by request. Tickets can be purchased through the Great Awakening Brewing Co. or at the door.
Sundays in March/April 4:00-7:00 pm
18 Ramstein Rd, New Hartford, CT
Beginner Line Dancing!!
Lessons begin with beginner level and build in difficulty to a challenge dance before open dancing by request. Tickets available through the Raymond Family Farm website.
Pre-registration required.

Weekly Lessons: $10* per lesson
Monthly Dance Parties: $10*
Specialty Classes: **price varies per offering**
*Prices subject to change. Additional $2 processing fee on Venmo transactions.
**Please note: You should always check our FB Page for the upcoming week's schedule posted each Sunday, and/or for last minute cancellations. We try not to cancel, however, things do come up. Also, inclement weather in the winter months may affect class.
Venmo Accepted:
Class Stepsheet Lists:
*To access Stepsheet Lists from the weekly classes and events you must have a free CopperKnob account.